CSAA Future

Your Customized STEM & AI School

Class Ratio


Full-time Instructors


Videos and Comments Per Class



Instructors with Advanced Degrees


Competitions Champions

Registered Students


Students continuing over three years


Curriculum Enhanced Every Year

Weekly Schedule of Classes

Weekly Courses

At Canadian STEM & AI Academy (CSAA), we believe children are curious and capable learners full of potential. With aims to enhance children’s critical thinking and problem-solving skills, as well as guiding children to reaching their fullest potential, our centre provides robotics and coding regular weekly programs for children ages 4 to 18.

Summer Camp

At CSAA, we value the interest, needs, and well-being of students, and seek to provide a safe and happy environment for student’s optimal learning. To meet this goal, our summer camps are at a small group size with a teacher and student ratio of 1:4 to ensure their quality experience.

We offer two types of summer camps for children ages 4 to 18: STEM Camp and Active Camp. Our STEM camp provides robotics, coding, and STEM activities. While on the other hand, our Active Camp provides both indoor and outdoor activities.

Summer Camp Poster
VEX World Championship

VEX Robotics Competitions

CSAA has nourished many award-winning VEX Robotics Competition teams in Canada.

Our VEX IQ competition teams had won Ontario Provincial Championships for the past 4 consecutive years. And we had the privilege to win the World Championship for VEX IQ Robotics Competition 2024.

Both of our VEX V5 (previously known as: VEX EDR) teams had won Second Place in VEX Ontario Provincial Championship 2022, and successfully made it to the World Final!

Book a Trial With Us!

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